Uganda 2016

Hello Prayer Warriors,

We pray that you had a wonderful Christmas and look forward to what the Lord will be doing in 2017. Pastor Tony and Pastor Patrick from South Africa have returned from a successful mission to Uganda before the holidays. Attached please see the Mission testimonies. We praise God for their safety in travel and during the meetings. Upcoming on January 19th is the mission to South Africa and February 18th will be the mission to Tanzania. Thank you in advance for holding the teams up in prayer.

In His Love and Ours,
Mama Nancy and the team

Some excerpts from our reports!  Click on any one to read more.

First two woman (in separate homes) had back, leg, knee issues making it painful for them to do their daily chores. You could see how the continual pain had worn on their faces. There is nothing easy about life in this village, manual labor for everything. Both woman rejoiced as they walked around pain free, both giving their lives to Christ.