Uganda 2015

Hello Prayer Warriors,

As the team is safely home, we thank you for your loyal prayer to this ministry.

Please continue to pray for the pastors and churches of Uganda, that they can continue to spread what they learned, and glorify Jesus.

In His Love and Ours,
Mama Nancy

Some excerpts from our reports!  Click on any one to read more.

When I was teaching I was drawn to a woman and knew she had never prayed and seen a miracle like this before, so I said “today you see it thru your hands!” to her, so I called her up to pray. She kept saying “me, are you sure you want me?” I said, God does! She came and we instructed her to just pray a simple prayer of command, she did and the miracle happened!

A woman who received a double words of knowledge from Tony and Fredrick over the same sickness, she was suffering from backaches, tooth pain and arthritis came for prayer, when I laid hands on her she instantly got healed.

Another lady had pain from her head down into her body. She said when the prayer started she felt something like ice water flowing down from her head into her body and BAM she got a miracle healing!

A young woman came and told me that she feels like throwing up, because something is moving up and down from stomach to the throat and it has been like that for the last 4 weeks, I laid hand on her and immediately the condition disappeared, her face brightened up and she could afford a smile.

A lady said that she had, for the last years, been living with: Asthma and breathing issues, extreme difficulty walking, and constant intestinal distress. Now that is a pack of stuff to deal with. It was BAM, BAM and BAM and was she happy!

A young boy whose ears were aching got healed and many people with pains in the legs and stomachaches were all healed.