Mozambique 2016

Hello Prayer Warriors,

Well, the final report of God's mission is attached. I guess it is because of the spreading and building of the spirit, but the final reports are always the BEST! Pastor tony and Patrick are now back home, with Tony literally arriving 2 hours ago. Thank you so much for your prayers for their safe travel and for God's blessings on the Mozambiquican people. Obrigado to our hosts who went out of their way to see to Pastor Tony and Patrick's comfort.
Enjoy the report .......

In His Love and Ours,
Mama Nancy and the Dynamic Duo!

Mission to the Philippines coming in Feb.

Some excerpts from our reports!  Click on any one to read more.

I had our host pastor interpreting with me and we were praying together for the people. Absolutely EVERY ONE we touched tonight was totally miraculously healed! 100% of the sickness and disease and pains that came were removed, all with testimony from the person set free.

My favorite was one of the drummers. I didn’t notice that he was just sitting today. When he came up for prayer he said that he had an accident and busted up his leg. I had him sit down and his knee was majorly swollen and he couldn’t bend that leg without extreme pain. We prayed a few times until he walked off. Later I happen to notice him on the drums using his leg fully and smiling away! Our God is just so good!

A young man with asthma came forward. Again he could barely take a breath. As they prayed the prayer of command, it was like a crescendo of these pastors saying “take a deep breath!” The boy would cough out some stuff and they say again “take a deep breath!” They did this a few times, each time taking a deeper breath and letting out the crud. They did this until ecstasy filled the young man’s face. Yippee! We just shouted for joy in agreement.

Absolutely everyone we prayed for at this service received a miracle healing OR deliverance! There were so many we prayed for that I cannot remember, but it seemed like every body part was getting covered. Here are a few: A girl had water coming out of her ear, at least until we prayed. A man’s heart was beating so fast it was making him real nervous. In a matter of moments his heart was beating normal and the peace of God filled him!