Guyana 2013


Hello Prayer Warriors,

Well, the team is home safe, sound and tired. Here are the final reports. Enjoy..

In His Love and Ours,
Mama Nancy and the Solid 7

Some excerpts from our reports!  Click on anyone to read more.

As I started praying into the crowd, the first lady said something happened to her and for the last 4 months she has had chest pain and, now get this: “a moving, vibrating, lump in her esophagus that hurts and keeps her from swallowing well!” I had to take a few cracks at this one, but that thing came out!”

A woman who for several years had a problem with her rotator cuff and extreme pain lifting her arm. I told the folks, “you have seen well what the devil does, now watch what your loving Creator does!” Bam, in a moment, in Jesus Name, shoulder restored and pain gone. She too had no problem declaring to the people what God had just done for her

Then when she was able to speak more and was assured she was being held by God, she said, “my back, my back, the pain!” As Elizabeth released a powerful prayer of authority and commanded this crippling spirit of infirmity to come out now, we watched her twisted little body begin to straighten out, returning to normal.

There was a lady that came with symptoms of some kind of nasty disease last night. She came to the field unable to walk under her own strength. She had to be carried there. We prayed and she went down to the dirt under His Power and got up with all the weakness gone and able to walk by herself. Tonight she was back for the completion of the healing addressing her lungs and breathing. Here we go, full release. This was one happy lady

She broke off curses and forgave the sin of previous generations and then SHOUTED “Legs get up and walk!” She JUMPED up (I immediately thought of the lame man at the gate beautiful in Acts) and started marching around stomping her feet on the ground giving thanks to the Lord and making declarations that Never Again will she succumb to the lies of the enemy! Then she started DANCING!

A boy came up for prayer for the right side of his neck. I lay my hands upon him and commanded the pain to go in Jesus Name. He was totally, instantly healed! This little guy had a smile on his face and was happy.

I remember the woman with the downs syndrome little 3 yr old girl coming up and telling me her daughter spoke and said “mommy” – the mother asked me to pray for her own hand. I prayed for her hand and she said the pain left and she left smiling. I saw it happen, my God!

From the very first meeting I have seen so many miracles, people getting healed, deaf ears opened, every manner of sickness healed. I have never seen in all my years as a Child of God and Pastor, so many miracles. I have NEVER seen such a release in the Spirit.