Kenya/Uganda 2010

Sent: Sun, February 21, 2010 10:33:53 PM
Subject: Final Reports

Here are the final reports for the Feb. Kenya/Uganda 2010 mission. We thank you so much for standing on the walls of the fort, covering the gaps. God has been glorified in so many individual lives and villages that will never be the same. Praises are been spoken and the Word of God multiplied like wildfire!!! How many people wouldn't tell friends, family or shout it from the roof-tops that their darling baby boy is no longer deaf or blind, due to JESUS who came to their village one day in Feb. 2010? Or that mama or grandma who was paralyzed and now she is out picking crops or tending her home and children, fully restored!! AND THE BEST wasn't just a visit, JESUS left Holy Spirit in each village! We pray that the glory continues to multiply and spread until JESUS is glorified throughout AFRICA!

Please lift Pastor Tony and Casey up as they begin their travels back home. They will be leaving Bungoma at noon (Florida time) on Monday and hit Tampa airport about 8 pm on Tuesday. One more prayer request, Pastor Frederick and Mama Emily Ogara will headed to Florida on Thursday to send a little R&R time with us, please pray for safe travel for them and for a time of much needed rest for them both.

Thank you. In His Love and Ours, Mama Nancy and the INSTANTLY BROTHERS!

Some excerpts from our reports!  
Click on any one to read the complete report.

The same anointing that was released in Liberia, the “instantly” anointing, began immediately here! Wow, church, Holy Spirit is continually stepping up the release of the Kingdom of God.

The first lady I prayed for was totally deaf in one ear.  We watched as Holy Spirit brought deliverance and her ear totally opened up.

A man had a tumor in his stomach. It stuck way out from his body and it was very hard to the touch, like a baseball. The first prayer we felt it get soft, like jelly. We prayed again and we WATCHED it completely disappear. All of his money spent on trying to be fixed, but only Jesus could do this!

A lady gave testimony of how she was at last night’s crusade and she asked for prayer for her sick family. She stood up tonight and gave testimony of how when she went home her family was all restored and no one sick.

A woman that couldn’t walk on one foot. She could not even put on a shoe. She brought her shoe with her because she knew she was going to be healed. She got healed and put on her shoe with no pain and jumped up and down.

There were blind eyes that were healed and deaf ears opened. A bunch of tumors disappeared instantly, and all kinds of pains healed.

Then all of a sudden God had me change directions. He moved me into a salvation message. It was a bit choppy but I got the point across. I gave an altar call and I would say at least 80% received Jesus as Lord and Savior.

A Muslim man came to see if the miracles were real. He said that he had a headache, chest pain and backache. He didn’t believe the miracles were real. I rebuked the pain over his body and he received instant healing.

A woman had a very painful arm up to her wrist. She could not move or lift it up, it was so painful. I looked at her and just felt God say “tell her I have healed her, just check it out!” She did and found herself with an INSTANT miracle. Glory to God!

A woman had a tumor on her neck and it was causing the whole body pain. She was not saved. She said she wanted to be saved. We prayed for her and the tumor completely disappeared. Hallelujah!

During the crusade I prayed for an old lady. She had head, back and all over body pain. I prayed 5 times and she didn’t respond. I then went to deliverance and was shown that she believed she was going to die and was making that her confession. She went thru deliverance and then INSTANTLY got full healing.

Another lady, when we laid our hands on her the power of God came upon her powerfully. I just touched her lightly and the anointing came. She had chest, head, leg and stomach pain. She was a hurting lady. The pain has been there for over 3 months. When the anointing came, she was INSTANTLY healed.

We have had many deaf mutes healed on this mission. Many of them come, for some reason after dark. Normally, it is the Muslims that come for prayer after dark, but many of these children and adults were from Christian homes. It is just soooooo cool to watch this happen as they hear for the first time. Many times it has happened so quickly that we just want to ask them, "are you sure!"

I was then called to come down on the field to pray for people that were deaf and dumb and blind. It was most amazing as I saw God heal them all.