Liberia 2013


Hello Prayer Warriors,

The team arrived home today at 11:30 am (Florida time), exhausted and overjoyed at the blessings that the Holy Spirit poured out at the conference and the outreaches. The gift that keeps on giving, and growing was planted in Liberia, and we thank you for providing the seeds and the water through your daily prayers. The Liberian pastors are refreshed and revived and delivering the fruit to their congregations.

Here is one last report, from the church service on Sunday morning at Rev. Kettor's church in Monrovia ...... enjoy!

In His Love and Ours,
Mama Nancy, the Dedicated Duo and the precious pastors of Liberia.

Some excerpts from our reports!  Click on anyone to read more.

A 37 year old man suffered with back problems for 9 years. He went all over for treatment and never got any help. Today he was healed INSTANTLY! A 40 year old man suffered from severe back pain for 7 years. He could not bend or sit without extreme pain. Today when he was prayed for the pain totally disappeared! A 43 year old man suffered from heart pain and high blood pressure, chest pain. He suffered for the last  20 years. He went all over to seek medical help and NO ONE could help him. Today after prayer he was completely restored.

A woman came asking for prayer for her back. I looked at her and thought, this is strange, why isn’t she asking for prayer for this very obvious, very large tumor in her abdomen? We prayed for the back and it instantly got healed. Then the pastors asked about the tumor. She had it for the last 7 years. It stuck out like she had a basketball under her shirt. We prayed, now get this: We did NOT see the tumor shrink when we prayed, but there was no longer any discomfort there. I thought of  the 10 lepers that came to Jesus for healing and it manifested as they walked away. After prayer, AS this lady was walking away to the microphone to give testimony, the tumor completely DISAPPEARED !!! Yeah God!!!

“I have never in my life or ministry been happy. I am now happy. My doctrine was to yell and push on people when I pray. I have seen the truth and the way of God. I have learned now how to pray and have seen the results. It is so powerful. I have seen the true power of God! I am so excited to begin ministry in a whole new way, under the clear leading of the Holy Spirit.”

A woman had a tumor on her stomach. It was very hard for last 4 years. She said that people would tease her that she was pregnant. She tried to get help everywhere. Tumor instantly disappeared. Oh, how I love the look on their faces as they search all around with their fingers to feel the tumor, but it’s gone.

I am very, very happy when I left the conference hall. For the first time in my life when I went to the outreach, the first 2 people I pray for, a lady with stomach pain and also a man with back problems. I lay hands on them they were instantly healed.

A man 30 years old had asthma and head pain. It was strange in that if he went anywhere where there was cooking, he would fall down from the smell. Tonight, he was completely restored. 32 year old woman with stomach pain and headache for last 17 years, until tonight. 29 year old woman with pain in the back and head for 12 years. She went All over for treatment without any help, until tonight.

An older woman had the look of despair and hopelessness on her face as she shared that for the last 28 years the disease of typhoid has taken its toll on her. She said it was so difficult for her to move from the pain in her body. She said that no hospital could help her with the terrible effects of this disease. When the power of God came on her and she realized what had just happened, the whole rest of the time we were there she just couldn’t stop dancing and praising God! Tears of joy flowing from her face as she gave thanks to her now Savior, Lord and Healer for giving and restoring her life!

Then there was a 50 man with pain in his arm and malaria for 18 years who could not sleep in the night. Even when coming to the grounds he couldn’t lift his arm now can turn any way and is totally healed. A 20 year old girl with malaria & headache for 5 last years instantly healed. A 50 year old woman said “my stomach didn’t allow me to stand straight for a long time, Now I can stand and move like normal, thank God!

Then there was an old lady sitting there, she was totally “pitch black” blind. She was not saved, but was anxious to receive Jesus after hearing what had just happened. We now prayed for this brand new child of God to experience His Healing. We prayed for her eyes to open and she said “I am seeing small!” We prayed the second time and we had her lift her head up and fully open up her eyes and look around. She did that and said “I see you two white men!” Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!!

We don't often see real old folks in Liberia, but there was this one lady, 70 years old. She was the oldest lady in the house. I was drawn to her and when I asked her what she needed, she said "for the last 20 years I have been in pain all over my body. Nothing has been able to bring me relief. Today I am going to get free as soon as you touch me!" OK, In Jesus Name, and BAM she was jumping, dancing, spinning, hooting and hollering like a little kid! Hallelujah! Every bit of pain removed from all the joints in her body, instantly!